Monday, 3 October 2011

Baroque Influences

Pergolesi and Stravinsky were matched perfectly in the set of concerts just finished with Het Nieuwe Mannheim Koor en Orkest conducted by Quentin Clare.  

First up was the relatively unknown (yet wonderfully forward-looking) 'Missa Romana' by Pergolesi, which was followed by Stravinsky's 'ballet with song' 'Pulcinella', in which Stravinsky used music by Pergolesi as the basis of his own neo-classic work.  It was all pretty fabulous, I must say!

But there's no rest for the wicked - I'll be taking myself off to Normandy, France soon, for a reprise of the Mozart concerts with Arsys Bourgogne.

the marvellous ceiling of the dominicuskerk in amsterdam


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